Easy-to-use liquid preparative form – suspension. High concentration of magnesium. Contains additional nitrogen and amino acids that increase the effectiveness of magnesium. Low consumption rate – 0.2-1.0 l / ha. Evenly distributed over the sheet due to the presence of a wetting agent. High payback. Included in chlorophyll. Enhances carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Affects the metabolism of phosphate substances. Nitrogen is a constituent of all amino acids, proteins, enzymes,
activates metabolic processes. Increases yield, size and number of fruits. Increases the protein content in cereals and legumes, gluten in wheat grain, oil content in rapeseed, mustard seeds. Stimulates the development of the root system. Increases resistance to weather stress
Signs of magnesium deficiency: Cell division is sharply suppressed, which leads to external changes in leaves, growth is delayed, veins appear between the veins of old leaves, crop ripening is delayed. In maize, whitening (chlorosis) of the upper leaves is observed, the yield decreases sharply. Small leaves are formed in the tomato, leaf blades and petioles are twisted.