Easy-to-use liquid preparative form – suspension. High concentration of manganese. Contains additional nitrogen and amino acids that increase the effectiveness of magnesium. Low consumption rate – 0.2-1.0 l / ha. Evenly distributed over the sheet due to the presence of a wetting agent. High payback. Manganese is needed by all plants without exception. One of its most important functions is participation in redox reactions. It is a component of two enzymes: phosphotransferase and arginase. In addition, it can replace magnesium in other enzymes and increase the activity of some oxidases. Mono-Manganese chelate microfertilizer is used for watering and spraying vegetable, fruit and berry, potted, flower and ornamental crops as a prevention of manganese deficiency (chlorosis).
Signs of manganese deficiency: Yellowing appears on the leaf closer to the trunk and moves towards its tip. As deficiency progresses, dark spots may appear on damaged leaves. Growth will generally slow down. Manganese, like iron, is best absorbed at lower pH values of 5.5-6.0.