Easy-to-use liquid preparative form – suspension. High concentration of sulfur. Possesses the prolonged action thanks to the content of sulfur in two forms. Contains additional nitrogen and magnesium, which increase the effectiveness of sulfur. Low consumption rate – 0.2-1.0 l / ha. Evenly distributed over the sheet due to the presence of a wetting agent. High payback.
Increases yield, size and number of fruits. Increases the protein content in cereals and legumes, gluten in wheat grain, oil content in rapeseed, mustard seeds. Stimulates the development of the root system. Increases resistance to weather stress
Signs of Sulfur Deficiency: Growth stunted, beginning with older leaves, a light green color appears, then the leaves turn yellow, acquire a reddish tint. In severe deficiency, the leaves become discolored, but the veins remain green.