Silicon stimulates the intake of nutrients (NRK) from the soil into plants, while reducing the intake of heavy metals and radionuclides, increases the activity of photosynthesis, the thickness of the leaf blade and its strength. Helps to improve the exposure of the leaf plate in relation to light. Reduces susceptibility to infection by pathogens and root parasites. Increases resistance to abiotic stresses (heavy metal contamination). Increases resistance to drought and cold. Increases soil productivity for a long time (2-3 years). It has reclamation properties.
Indications of silicon deficiency: Starting at the leaf margins, they become light green or yellow, partly turning purple or reddish when severely deficient. In addition, young leaves remain small and narrow, and their edges are bent upwards. It is recommended for use in crops of all cultivated crops that show symptoms of silicon deficiency (legumes, sugar beets, fruit crops, flax, cereals).