A rare preparative form – a suspension – is good for zastosuvanni. Zinc in EDTA chelated form – chelated form available. Nitrogen in the form of sechovin (carbamide) improves the penetration into the roslin. Vitrati rate is low – 0.2–1.0 l/ha. Additives for high work stability and good balance with other drugs. High payback. Spray morning water in the cells of growth and accumulation of phytohormones. Improves phosphorium, protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism of speech. Regulation of roots. Producing drought and heat. Bringing resistance to the ailment complex. Improvement of phosphorus absorption. Bigger in vitamins C, PP and group B
Signs of non-staple zinc: Razno podіchuєє podіl kіtin, scho to produce to zvnіshnіh zminіh leaves, zatrimuєtsya growth, veinlets between the veins of the old leaf, zatrimuєєs dozrіvanny vozhaju. In corn, there is a whitening (chlorosis) of the upper leaf, the yield is sharply reduced. In a tomato, leafy leaves are settled, leaf blades and petioles are twisted.